Stefan Huynh

Stefan has been partner dancing for nearly two decades and swing dancing since 2010. He’s been a member of numerous performance groups such as The Big Apple Lindy Hoppers, Yeah Man,  The Amazebals, and more. As a competitor, Stefan has won and placed at major events across the country such as Camp Jitterbug, Lindyfest, Inspiration Weekend, and others. He is an avid social dancer who values conversational dancing and prioritizes connecting with the music and his partner above all else.

Stefan makes use of his master's degree in psychology from NYU as an instructor of Lindy Hop, Balboa, and other jazz-age partner dances. He is a cofounder of Swing Dance SCT, one of the largest swing dance schools in Seattle and acts as a teacher, coach, and mentor there. He is known for his innovative pedagogy and passion for partner technique.


Ariel Goh


Elaine Buchignani